The Sydney Colonial Muzzle Loading Club, as the name suggests, was primarily formed to support, promote and foster an interest in muzzle-loading and black-powder in all of its forms and applications, including target shooting, collecting and hunting.
Although the Club offers a wide and varied shooting program, it is important for all applicants to understand that:
- The members’ common bond and core-interest is in muzzleloading shooting.
- SCMLC maintains a firm affiliation with the NSW Muzzle Loading Association.
- If you do not hold a current Firearms Licence of the appropriate category we will need to sight your Driver Licence.
The Applicant:
- Is not permitted to use a firearm on our ranges unless they hold the appropriate Firearms Licence for that firearms or have completed a P650 Declaration – Person Shooting on an Approved Range for that day.
- Declares that he/she has read the Club Range Rules and Safety ;
- Declares that as a member they will uphold the prime objectives of the Club;
- Understands that as the Club has no paid employees to met the range maintenance and Firearms Registry obligations of the Club and that Members may be called upon and are required to assist in these matters to share the workload within the Club.
- As a member holding a Shooters Licence for a given category must not only meet the attendance requirements of the Firearms Act for the category but also participate in.
I hereby certify that all of the above is true and correct and I authorise the Club Secretary to make all necessary enquiries concerning the above matters.
I agree to abide by the Club’s Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and the conditions.